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Meet the team: Lektron

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ESA / Education / CubeSats - Fly Your Satellite!
Lektron mission patch
Lektron mission patch

The Lektron project promotes the design, development, and operation of two PocketCubes of 1U for Earth Observation. The team comprises students from diverse disciplines, primarily in telecommunications, but also in physics and aerospace engineering. The mission is centered on monitoring radio frequency interference (RFI) and demonstrating Federated Satellite Systems (FSS).

In greater detail:

  • PoCat-1 will detect RFI within global navigation satellite systems and microwave radiometry bands.
  • PoCat-2 will identify spurious emissions from 5G services, used for measuring atmospheric water vapor.
  • Both satellites will utilize FSS to federate, thereby optimizing their resources and functioning as a single, cohesive entity.
Lektron exploded view
Lektron exploded view

The PoCAT-Lektron mission is a PocketQube project led by NanoSat Lab at signal theory and communications department in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). This project is a scission from an IEEE GRSS educational project called Open PocketQube Kit, which is an educational initiative proposed by the IEEE GRSS society to develop an open-source PocketQube kit to facilitate the entry barrier to organizations and institutions to space. 
The UPC is a Spanish university specializing in Engineering, Architecture, and Science. Its research and education span various disciplines, driven by the efforts of its diverse departments. The UPC NanoSat Lab is dedicated to exploring innovative small spacecraft systems and subsystems.

Lektron PocketQube render
Lektron PocketQube render

The NanosatLab has extensive experience in developing space missions, as evidenced by the various satellites and payloads created entirely in-house over the past few years, having already launched ³Cat-1 (the first Catalan CubeSat), ³Cat-2, and a pair of twin CubeSats, ³Cat-5-A and ³Cat-5-B, called FSSCat mission. In addition to ³Cat-4 (selected in the second edition of the Fly Your Satellite!) and ³Cat-6 (RITA-Payload). track record highlights the lab's capability and expertise in the field of satellite technology and development.

Size 1P PocketQube
Units 2 (1P and 1P)
Dimensions 50x50x50 mm
Mass 225 g
Power consumption 99.5 mW/orbit (nominal)
Payload L-Band RFI monitoring
K-Band RFI monitoring
Ground Station Ground Station Montsec, placed in the Pre-Pyrinees of Catalonia, ideal for large communications (noise-free space environment). Equipped with a 2x2 patch antenna (f=868MHz & BW=125KHz)
Mission lifetime Between 3-5 years
Lektron team members
Lektron team members