ESA title
Crater Plaskett seen by SMART-1’s camera

Proposal Submission

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ESA / Education


Universities or consortia of universities belonging to ESA Member States and Cooperating States are allowed to apply.

Only staff of the university may submit a proposal in response to the AO. In the case of joint proposals between universities, one university shall be designated as prime contractor, while the others shall be classed as sub-contractors.

An ESA bidder code is required for prime contractor and sub-contractors and can be obtained by registering with the Agency’s Industrial Policy Division here.

Team members

All team members shall be directly affiliated to the university/ies. Besides the team supervisor, the team shall be composed only of university students (of any grade).

The team shall include a supervisor (being a senior researcher with a minimum of 5 years of experience in place) who will act as official interface to ESA and be present at the Challenge venue for the whole duration of the competition event (if selected).

There is no limit to the size of the team, however only 5 members of the team will be allowed at the Challenge venue.

One team member shall be nominated as official spokesman and public relations interface.

ESA Bidder Code

Will your Lunar Rover look like this?
Will your Lunar Rover look like this?

Since the Lunar Robotics Challenge involves an open competition for funding of university participation, one of the first steps when the professor or other academic professional applies to compete in the Challenge is to register the university in the ESA system and get a Bidder Code: you will find in the document hereafter some information to help you in this Bidder Code procedure - Ariadna Bidder Code Procedure.

Contact Details

If you are a university professor or academic professional intending to submit a proposal in response to the Lunar Robotics Challenge AO, please note that - as stated in the AO's covering letter - your offer and all supporting documents, must reach:

Central Registry of ESTEC
for the attention of the Contracts Officer Mrs Helen Etienne (RES-PTS)
P.O. Box 299
The Netherlands

not later than 13:00 (GMT+01:00) on the deadline date of 29 April 2008 (as stated in the AO's covering letter), and shall be submitted either in 4 paper copies or (preferably) electronically to: Helen Etienne, backed-up by one signed paper copy in parallel. Only the electronic copy need arrive by the deadline. However, the signed paper copy should arrive no more than 7 days later.

Please note that the contracts officer is also the only contact point while the call is open, in order to ensure a fair competition.

Proposal Template

If you are a university professor or academic professional and intend to prepare and submit a proposal in response to the Lunar Robotics Challenge AO, it is preferable that you use the template provided - LRC Proposal Template. Use of this template is strongly recommended, especially in the Travel and Subsistence Expenses Form part.

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