Küstenveränderung DonaudeltaÖlpestEntwaldung Bardia-NationalparkKongobeckenKameng-SonitpurKilimanjaroRondoniaShillong und GuwahatiEis Antarctica 2003Gletscher und KlimawandelRückzug der Gletscher in den AlpenGletscherbewegungGletscherüber wachung im HimalayaFernerkundung von Eis und SchneeUntersuchung von Gletschern mit RadaraufnahmenUrbanisierung CordobaKairoKathmanduHimalayaKathmandu-TalLagosVegetation Annapurna-NaturschutzgebietVerschollen in den AndenNgorongoro-NaturschutzgebietNigerbinnendeltaVegetation in Südamerika
|  |  |  |  | | Article Images |  | Gletscherdynamik
 | Scheme of ice flow from the accumulation to the ablation area. Snow that falls on the highest zones of a glacier has the longest and deepest travel path. It emerges again at the lowest point of the glacier tongue and is the oldest ice. Depending on the size and flow-speed of a glacier, the travel time of a snow and ice crystal from the accumulation area to the glacier tongue can take from tens to hundreds of years.
Credits: Andreas Kääb |  |  |  |  |
| | |  | ASTER satellite image of 29 May 2002 showing glaciers in the Himalayas, at the border between Bhutan and Tibet (see GoogleEarth file location 1.6). Although this area lies in the subtropics, the glaciers survive. Ice flow transports the ice masses that develop around the cold, snow-rich mountain peaks to the warmer valleys, where it compensates for the intense ice melt.
Credits: NASA/ GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and the US/Japan ASTER science team |  |  |  |  |
| | |  | Animation of two ASTER satellite images of the glacier in the ASTER image. The images are from spring and late autumn 2001. Do you see the glacier flow?
Credits: NASA/ GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and the US/Japan ASTER science team |  |  |  |  |
| | |  | Close-up of animation
Credits: NASA/ GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and the US/Japan ASTER science team |  |  |  |  |
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|  | Gletscherbewegung EinführungHintergrund Zeitversetzte Aufnahmen zueinander in Beziehung setzenÜbungen Einführung zum ArbeitsblattÜbung (mit LEOWorks 3)Eduspace - Software LEOWorks 3Eduspace - Download ASTER.zipGoogleEarth file