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Article Images
Landsat image of Hubbard Glacier in southeastern Alaska
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 106 kb)
The Hubbard Glacier in southeastern Alaska as seen from Landsat. In 1986 it pushed forward and dammed the Russell Fjord south east of the glacier, producing an ice lake.

Credits: Government Raster Image Processing Software and Data 2, Meridian Data, inc.
False colour composite image of area in Jutland, Denmark
False colour composite image based on Landsat data in the near infrared, red and green channel. Green vegetation is seen as shades of red. Settlement and bare soil areas are seen as bluish.

Credits: ESA

Satelliti per l'osservazione della Terra
Satelliti meteorologici
MeteosatMeteosat di seconda generazioneMetOpNOAA
Satelliti Earth Explorer
Gli Earth Explorer dell'ESAGOCESMOSCryoSat-2
Commercial high resolution optical satellites
Più informazioni
Canali di LandsatLandsat - technical specifications (PDF)Technical information about Landsat bands (PDF)
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