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Meteosat image in channel 1, 21 December 1997 at 12 GMT
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Meteosat image in channel 1, 21 December 1997 at 12:00 GMT. Channel 1 covers both the visible and the near infrared range of the spectrum.

Credits: ESA
Meteosat image in the thermal infrared channel, 21 December 1997
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Meteosat image in the thermal infrared channel, 21 December 1997 at 12:00 GMT.

Credits: ESA
Meteosat image in the water vapour channel (2), 21 December 1997
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Meteosat image in the water vapour channel (2), taken on 21 December 1997 at 12:00 GMT. The light grey tones indicate a high concentration of water vapour in the atmosphere.

Credits: ESA

Satélites de Observação da Terra
Satélites meteorológicos
Meteosat de segunda geraçãoMetOpNOAA
Satélites Earth Explorer
Exploradores da Terra da ESAGOCESMOSCryoSat-2
Commercial high resolution optical satellites
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