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Monitoring of glaciers in the Himalayas
The world’s highest mountain range is also home to a very large number of glaciers. Among them, there is the Siachen glacier (35.5°N, 77.0°E), the largest glacier outside the polar region. People in the Himalayas have adapted to the special living conditions caused by the unique circumstances of this region. But people have also settled into areas which have been or have become endangered over the years. In the case of an outburst, glacial lakes may become such a risk for people living in these areas. The photo shows a glacial lake outburst flood in 1977 at Nare glacier in Khumbu Himal. It caused severe downstream erosions and destabilised the terrace of the village.  
Glacial lake outburst, Nare glacier
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    Monitoring of glaciers in the Himalayas
    GlaciersInvestigation areaKhumbu's glaciersImja glacier
    Location of the study area, Khumbu HimalDevelopment of glacial lakes in the Khumbu HimalGlacier retreat at Honku glacier
    Further Reading
    Eduspace - Software
    LEOWorks 3
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