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IKONOS image of Kathmandu
IKONOS image of Kathmandu
City of Kathmandu
Follow the directions given in the individual sections and learn how to use and work with satellite images.

You will become familiar with high resolution satellite images and will be able to use this knowledge to organise your own case studies using the images of other cities provided in the Resources section.

The Background section provides you with information on Kathmandu's history and geographical environment, and the References section provides useful and interesting online resources.  

This case study includes:

  • a background section
  • exercises

    You can access them by clicking on the links on the right.


    Worksheet introductionKathmandu Valley with radar imageKathmandu - Now and then with optical imagesKathmandu Valley - General overview with optical imagesKathmandu - Now and then - Urban detection with optical images
    ReferencesESA's Proba websiteThe Landsat programmeWhat is remote sensing?
    Eduspace - Software
    LEOWorks 3ArcExplorer
    Eduspace - Download
    kathmandu.zipTechnical information about Landsat bands (PDF)
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