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Spot 4 - vegetation image of  the Niger Inland Delta
Spot 4 vegetation image of the Niger Inland Delta
Niger Inland Delta
The main problem of the Niger Inland Delta is desertification, caused by climate change and overpopulation. Lake Debo in the Lower Niger Delta is a large reservoir. The lake is fed by the Barra Issa River, a section of the Niger River. The lake contains water the whole year round, even during dry seasons. It therefore plays an important role in the life and work of the local population.  
This case study includes:

  • a background section
  • a worksheet introduction
  • exercises

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    Niger Inland Delta
    IntroductionExercises using Landsat ETM dataExercises using Landsat MSS data
    Monitoring Landcover Changes of the Niger Inland Delta (Mali) by Means of Envisat-Meris Data (pdf)
    Eduspace - Software
    LEOWorks 3
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