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Snow on Kilimanjaro
Snow on Kilimanjaro
With an altitude of 5,963 metres, Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa. This volcanic massif stands in splendid isolation above the surrounding plains, with its snowy peak towering over the savannah. The mountain is encircled by mountain forest. Numerous mammals, many of them endangered species, live in the national park situated at the foot of the mountain.

The forests of Mt. Kilimanjaro are heavily touched by illegal activities, including logging of indigenous trees on most of the lower slopes below 2,500 metres. Furthermore, forest fires occur on the south-eastern slopes, and forest villages are being established on the western and northern slopes. This case study shows how Earth observation satellites can be used to analyse the vegetation and land use, and to evaluate changes over time.

This case study is rather large. If everything is to be covered, please allow for up to 6 hours of work in the classroom.  

This case study includes:

  • a background section
  • exercises

  • You can access them by clicking on the links on the right.


    GIS exercises
    The World Factbook - TanzaniaUnesco World Heritage ListThreats to Mt. Kilimanjaro forests (UNEP study)Monitoring weather and climate from space
    Eduspace - Software
    LEOWorks 3
    Eduspace - Download (7.4 Mb)Vegetation zones on Mt KilimanjaroKilimanjaro GIS files (584 Kb)
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