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The Antarctica 2003 expedition - Introduction
On 23 November 2003, a total eclipse of the Sun was visible from Antarctica. For this occasion, the 'Passerelle Science-Cité' from the University of Geneva and the International Polar Foundation sent a student to accompany two scientists, a radio reporter, and an eclipse hunter on an icebreaker for a 28-day journey in the far southern seas.
During this trip, many observations and scientific experiments took place. They have been shared directly with many primary and secondary schools across the world.

In this section you will find background information, exercices using satellite images acquired during the expedition, and photos and measurements taken during the cruise.  

This case study includes:

  • a background section
  • a worksheet introduction
  • exercises

    You can access them by clicking on the links on the right.


    Antarctica 2003 expedition
    IntroductionExercise 1 - Accompany a classmateExercise 2 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using images and mapsExercise 3 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using a computerExercise 4 - Help, the icebreaker is stuck!
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