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Environmental problems in the Himalayas
Bodnath, Katmandu Valley
A special focus on Nepal and Tibet
Global and regional processes are changing the world’s appearance every day. This results in influences on the social, economical and political situation in countries all over the world. These processes also take place in remote and fragile ecosystems such as the Himalayan region. The countries with the main share of this world’s highest mountain range, Nepal and Tibet, have undergone dramatic changes over the past decades. In the last 50 years severe urbanisation processes have affected the old city of Lhasa, a former centre of Buddhist religion and culture.

Nepal’s mountainous ecosystems have been affected by natural hazards. Continuous landslides have led to a severe threat in the affected regions, such as the Langtang Himal.  
This case study includes:

  • a background section
  • a worksheet introduction
  • exercises

  • You can access them by clicking on the links on the right.


    UrbanisationThe Himalayan regionMountain ecosystemsNepal areaTibet area
    Himalaya - WorksheetLandscape units of NepalUrbanisation – 40 years of urban development of LhasaUrbanisation – Detection by means of delineation of the city perimeterLandslide detection in Langtang Himal
    Further Reading
    Eduspace - Software
    LEOWorks 3
    Eduspace - Download
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