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Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant Reserve
The Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant Reserve (KSER) is located in the eastern hill forests of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in India, and its area is about 7500 sq. km. This reserve is currently home to approximately 1200 elephants.  
Kaming Sonitpur Elephant Reserve
The large scale deforestation in elephant habitats as a result of human encroachment is one of the most serious problems in this reserve, which is a global mega-biodiversity hotspot.
Elephant poisoned by villagers
Satellite data and GIS techniques can be used to understand the dynamics between people and pachyderms and the stage, i.e. forests, upon which these spatial interactions are enacted.
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  • a worksheet introduction
  • exercises

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    Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant Reserve
    Elephant ReserveAsian elephantMan vs elephant
    Worksheet introductionPaper map creation and study of Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant ReserveAnalysis of satellite images
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