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Bardia Region Overview - Image processing - Part 2
This exercise is divided into eight parts and requires the use of LEOWorks.
We will now analyse the western part of the Bardia National Park more closely.

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The Bardia National Park's boundaries (2002)
The Bardia National Park's boundaries (2002)
After this overview, we can now look at the western part of the park in more detail, using the full-resolution Landsat 7 ETM images acquired on 2 February 2002.
Open the first image 'Bardia_Landsat_2002_Band_1.tif'.
Use Interactive Stretching to improve the contrast.
Open all the other single band images as well, and improve their contrast individually. While enhancing, keep an eye on the already enhanced images, and try to get all images to about the same general grey-tone impression, avoiding generally dark or generally bright images.

Every single image reflects a part of the electromagnetic spectrum between 0.45 µm and 2.35 µm (the part of the visible light ranges from 0.45 µm to 0.7 µm, band 1 being sensible to blue, band 2 to green and band 3 to red). Band 4 is near infrared, 5 and 7 are 2 mid-infrared bands.

1. Compare images of all bands and divide them into four groups, based on the capability to outline more clearly: forest, agricultural lands, rivers and river beds.

2. Rank the images within each group. The winners are valid candidates for a colour combination!

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Bardia National Park
IntroductionLocationGeology and soilWeather and climatePeople and settlements
Worksheet introductionOverview - working on paper printsBardia Region Overview - Image processingLandscape and land cover dynamics in the Karnali FloodplainHabitat suitability evaluation for rhinoceros in Bardia
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3ArcExplorer
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