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Exercise 1: Inspecting the images (cont'd)

Use the Measure Tool
8. Measure the size of the deforested area.

9. Find one of the largest agricultural fields and measure its area.

10. Can you determine the use of the large and small agricultural fields?

Comparing images from 1989, 1999, and 2009
False colour image of the Rondonia area for 1989
False colour image of the Rondonia area for 1989
Now that we have become familiar with the area of Rondonia, we can also inspect the other images, from 1999 and 2009, to see if any changes took place in the thirty years between the image acquisitions.

Construct false colour composites of Rondonia_1999 and Rondonia_2009 in the same way you did for Rondonia_1989. Save these images under appropriate names.

11. Based on the images of 1989, 1999 and 2009 you have just constructed, describe the changes between 1989 and 2009.

12. How did the pattern evolve?

13. Measure the size of the deforested area for 1999 and 2009, the same way you did for 1989.

14. Compare these values with the ones you obtained for 1989. What is the main direction of deforestation?



Deforestation in Rondonia
Exercise 1: Inspecting the imagesExercise 2: Quantifying the deforested area
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