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Coastal change Danube Delta change detectionOil spillsDeforestation Bardia National ParkCongo River BasinKameng-Sonitpur Elephant ReserveKilimanjaroRondoniaShillong and GuwahatiIce Antarctica 2003Climate change and glaciersGlacier analysis using radar imageryGlacial retreat in the AlpsGlacier Ice FlowMonitoring of glaciers in the HimalayasRemote sensing of ice and snowUrbanisation CairoCity of KathmanduCórdobaHimalayasKathmandu ValleyLagosVegetation Annapurna Conservation AreaLost in the AndesNgorongoro Conservation AreaNiger Inland DeltaVegetation in South America
|  |  |  |  | | Nepal area
Location and Geography One area of the field study is located in the Himalayan region, in the north-eastern part of Nepal which is called Langtang Himal. Nepal is a landlocked country between China and India, and is situated between 80°E - 88°E and 30°N - 26°N.
Topographic map of Nepal Based on a 2005 estimate, Nepal has around 27.7 million inhabitants, which makes it the 40th largest country in the world. The capital Kathmandu, and the surroundings in the Kathmandu valley, only have about 3.2 million inhabitants.
The country can be divided into 5 main geographic regions:
- Terai - lowland plain
- Siwalik – southern hills
- Middle Mountain – central shallow hill zone
- High Mountain – steep mountainous zone
- Himalaya – high elevation zone
The following table shows the altitudinal belt, which gives an idea of the vertical distribution of the area of the country. The altitudinal belt Looking at the table above, you will see that 18.5% of the country’s area has an altitude of more than 4000 m. Langtang The Langtang national park is situated in the central Himalayas and was established in 1976. It has an area of about 1710 sq km. Due to the diverse topographical features, the national park allows a great diversity of vegetation ranging from subtropical forest up to alpine vegetation. Approximately 25% of the forest cover is home to a wide range of animals.
The national park is inhabited by the Tamang, who are traditionally cattle breeders and farmers.
Langtang | |
|  | Himalayas Environmental problems in the HimalayasUrbanisationThe Himalayan regionMountain ecosystemsTibet areaExercises Himalaya - WorksheetLandscape units of NepalUrbanisation – 40 years of urban development of LhasaUrbanisation – Detection by means of delineation of the city perimeterLandslide detection in Langtang HimalLinks Further ReadingEduspace - Software LEOWorks 3Eduspace - Download Himalayas_env1.zipHimalayas_env2.zipHimalayas_env3.zipHimalayas_env4.zip