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Kilimanjaro - Worksheet - Continued
In total, 88 landslides were observed in the forest, mainly in the Ocotea forests on the southern slopes, in heavily logged areas.

9) Overlay the GIS themes on the Landsat image

Open either a natural colour or a false colour image of the whole area from 2000.

Choose the GIS tool and open some of the themes showing the threats to the Forest Reserve.

The GIS themes have names like kili01_shamba_system.shp. This one refers to the threat of the Shamba system.

Describe the distribution of the selected threats.

Describe the observed pattern.

Give an evaluation of the future of the Forest Reserve

Image showing the SW area
Landsat image showing the southwestern part of the Forest Reserve
Detailed study of the Forest Reserve
Now we will inspect a detailed Landsat image of the southwesten part of the Forest Reserve using the 30m x 30m original resolution.

You will use the methods shown above.

10) Using the images from 1984, construct a natural colour image and/or a false colour image.

Try other band combinations and enhancing methods.

Overlay the images with the GIS files showing the extension of the National Park and the Forest Reserve.

Analyse and describe the vegetation zones.

Inspect the Forest Reserve to find deforested areas.

Measure the amount of deforested area.

Analyse and describe the farmed land outside the Forest Reserve.

11) Compare the images from 2000 with the images from 1984, doing the same analysis.

Describe the new deforested areas in some detail.

Describe the new land use of the deforested areas.

Investigate the overlayed GIS themes showing the threats to the forest.

Landsat image of top of Mt. Kilimanjaro
Landsat image of top of Mt. Kilimanjaro
Detailed study of the snow at the top

12) The top of Kilimanjaro is famous for its ice. Unfortunately, with time, the icefields are decreasing.

Use the images from 1984 and from 2000 to construct a natural colour image and/or a false colour image.

Try other band combinations and enhancing methods.

Find the best combination of bands, colours, and enhancing to distinguish between clouds and ice.

Overlay the images with the GIS files showing the extension of the Icefields in 1962.

Compare the images from 1984 and 2000.

What can be said about the extent of the ice in the images?

Describe the 2000 image with the extent of the icefields in 1962.

Write a small report on the size of the changes.

The cause of the melting of the icefields on top of Kilimanjaro is uncertain.

One obvious culprit is the global warming caused by the increase in CO2 and other gases and the consequent increase in the greenhouse effect.

Another culprit might be the increasing deforestation on the slopes of Kilimanjaro, causing less evaporation and increasing temperatures.

Studies using satellite images can help scientists in their search for the cause.



GIS exercises
The World Factbook - TanzaniaUnesco World Heritage ListThreats to Mt. Kilimanjaro forests (UNEP study)Monitoring weather and climate from space
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3
Eduspace - Download (7.4 Mb)Vegetation zones on Mt KilimanjaroKilimanjaro GIS files (584 Kb)
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