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True-Colour Combination image of Cairo using bands 3,2,1
True-Colour Combination image of Cairo using bands 3,2,1
Cairo - Worksheet introduction
In the next exercises we will use satellite images that show the city's resources.

Download the file
Then save the images to your hard disk in a folder named 'Cairo'.

The following exercises require the use of the LEOWorks software.

LEOWorks has been developed by ESA and can be downloaded by clicking on the link on the right.  
We will use LEOWorks to analyse and interpret the satellite images of Cairo, and to identify surface structures and land use in and around the city limits.


Exercises using Landsat dataExercises using Ikonos dataCairo - Then and now
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3LEOWorks 3 TutorialArcExplorer
Eduspace - Download
cairo.zipcairo_ikonos.zipTechnical information about Landsat bands (PDF)
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