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Coastal change Danube Delta change detectionOil spillsDeforestation Bardia National ParkCongo River BasinKameng-Sonitpur Elephant ReserveKilimanjaroRondoniaShillong and GuwahatiIce Antarctica 2003Climate change and glaciersGlacier analysis using radar imageryGlacial retreat in the AlpsGlacier Ice FlowMonitoring of glaciers in the HimalayasRemote sensing of ice and snowUrbanisation CairoCity of KathmanduCórdobaHimalayasKathmandu ValleyLagosVegetation Annapurna Conservation AreaLost in the AndesNgorongoro Conservation AreaNiger Inland DeltaVegetation in South America
|  |  |  |  | | |  | Cairo's impressive witness of a long Egyptian history | | Cairo - background
Cairo is the largest and perhaps most important city in Africa. The city is vital for Afro-Asian Islam. The founders of Cairo called it 'Al-Qahira' - the victorious. Today, a thousand years later, Cairo is crowded, noisy and famous for its traffic jams. But for the Cairenes, the city is still 'the Mother of the World'. Cairo is a city of contrasts, with exotic narrow streets, huge coloured markets, a thousand years of history and a modern, touristy downtown. It is unlike any other place on Earth.
- Area: 214 km²
- Population: Greater Cairo = 16.5 million; City = 6.8 million
- Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
- People: Egyptians, Bedouins and Berbers make up 99% of its inhabitants
- Main language: Egyptian Arabic
- Time Zone: GMT/UTC +2 hours
 | | | Cairo as seen from Landsat 7 ETM on 23 August 2000 | Cairo is located at the apex of a triangular delta, south of which the River Nile divides into two independent arms. It is a strategic location that was used by the ancient Egyptians. Cairo itself was founded as a Fatimid military camp in 969 AD and grew into a major locus of global economic activity and one of the world's largest cities by the 13th century. By the 18th century the city had lost its global position and lagged behind technologically. Egypt offered little resistance to European imperialism and did not become an independent country until 1952. The signs of imperialism can be seen in the structure of the city of Cairo. | |
|  | Cairo IntroductionExercises Worksheet introductionExercises using Landsat dataExercises using Ikonos dataCairo - Then and nowLinks ReferencesEduspace - Software LEOWorks 3LEOWorks 3 TutorialArcExplorerEduspace - Download cairo.zipcairo_ikonos.zipTechnical information about Landsat bands (PDF)