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Chlorophyll concentration exercise
This separate and rather scientific chapter allows you to determine the chlorophyll concentration of the seawater and hence monitor the health of the coastal waters and the open ocean.
From the report delivered by the student at the end of the cruise, we can extract the sea truth measurements made, and compare them with satellite observations.

All observations and measurements are contained in two tables, named:  
MERIS image of Kerguelen Islands (chlorophyll colour)
MERIS image of Kerguelen Islands (chlorophyll colour)

  • Resultats-meteo.xls, which includes data on daily weather, sea and ice surface observations

  • Resultats-chimie-chlorophyll.xls, which reports on the measurements of chemical and chlorophyll concentration of seawater

Working scientifically will need your full attention and quite some patience, since you also have to download, free of charge, specific software, and learn how to run it.

Click to download the Chlorophyll Exercise 'How to measure the chlorophyll concentration in MERIS satellite data' in .pdf format.

Click to download the Ocean zip file with the image received on 10 November 2003 at 06.55 GMT containing chlorophyll measures processed from MERIS sensor data onboard Envisat (3.4Mb).

Click to download the Kerguelen zip file with the image received on 14 November 2003 at 04.51 GMT containing chlorophyll measures processed from the MERIS sensor data onboard Envisat. (3.4Mb).


Antarctica 2003 expedition
Accompany a classmate - Exercises
IntroductionThe coast of AfricaHigh sea near the Crozet IslandsThe Islands of KerguelenThe harsh climate of Heard IslandEntering the icy watersVisiting a research station in AntarcticaObserving the solar eclipseNearly caught by a severe storm!Arrival in Tasmania
IntroductionExercise 2 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using images and mapsExercise 3 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using a computerExercise 4 - Help, the icebreaker is stuck!
Australian Antarctic DivisionMaps Larsemann HillsDavis station - webcam
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3
Eduspace - Download
Resultats-meteo-xls.zipResultats-chimie.zipMERIS031102_ (1.0 Mb)ASAR031121
(0.6 Mb)
Chlorophyll.pdfMERIS_031110-0655 (3.4 Mb)
MERIS_031114-0451 (3.4 Mb)
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