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Radar image of the southern part of Tasmania
Radar image of the southern part of Tasmania
Arrival in Tasmania
The expedition ended in Hobart, Tasmania. Look it up in your atlas. And now look at what the ASAR radar saw from 800 km above.

As on the image of the Kerguelen Island, the geomorphology is beautifully represented. The geology seems very variable and also includes a bent mountainous structure like a giant ear. The radar illuminated the scene from left to right, hence the western part is very bright.  
Icebreaker finally safely moored
Icebreaker finally safely moored
This is a natural effect of the high incidence of the radar illumination. The steeper the incidence angle, the more microwave energy is reflected from a relatively smooth surface. Radar images of sea areas also 'suffer' from this effect.

The left sea area appears brighter than the right – independently from the wind. We can recognise darker patches of the island.

These are pasture and agricultural lands, whilst grey areas consist of shrub or forest, hence the Tasmanian wilderness. Cities are imaged very brightly.

Where is Hobart? Look it up in your atlas and in the radar image.

The ship with her passengers and crew arrived safely on 3 December 2003. We hope you have enjoyed this adventure with us!


Antarctica 2003 expedition
Accompany a classmate - Exercises
IntroductionThe coast of AfricaHigh sea near the Crozet IslandsThe Islands of KerguelenThe harsh climate of Heard IslandEntering the icy watersVisiting a research station in AntarcticaObserving the solar eclipseNearly caught by a severe storm!Chlorophyll concentration exercise
IntroductionExercise 2 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using images and mapsExercise 3 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using a computerExercise 4 - Help, the icebreaker is stuck!
Australian Antarctic DivisionMaps Larsemann HillsDavis station - webcam
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3
Eduspace - Download
Resultats-meteo-xls.zipResultats-chimie.zipMERIS031102_ (1.0 Mb)ASAR031121
(0.6 Mb)
Chlorophyll.pdfMERIS_031110-0655 (3.4 Mb)
MERIS_031114-0451 (3.4 Mb)
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