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The majestic glacier mountain of Heard Island
The majestic glacier mountain of Heard Island
The harsh climate of Heard Island
After having passed Kerguelen, our scientists also saw Heard Island. See the Landsat image of this island, as well as the photo they took from the ship.  
What is the origin of these islands? Can you see some vegetation?

Landsat image of clouded Heard Island
Landsat image of clouded Heard Island
We are at position 53° South, 72° East. Compare this southern hemisphere situation with the climate in Western Europe at 53° North.
What is the difference? Can you explain it?


Antarctica 2003 expedition
Accompany a classmate - Exercises
IntroductionThe coast of AfricaHigh sea near the Crozet IslandsThe Islands of KerguelenEntering the icy watersVisiting a research station in AntarcticaObserving the solar eclipseNearly caught by a severe storm!Arrival in TasmaniaChlorophyll concentration exercise
IntroductionExercise 2 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using images and mapsExercise 3 - Guide the icebreaker through the ice using a computerExercise 4 - Help, the icebreaker is stuck!
Australian Antarctic DivisionMaps Larsemann HillsDavis station - webcam
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3
Eduspace - Download
Resultats-meteo-xls.zipResultats-chimie.zipMERIS031102_ (1.0 Mb)ASAR031121
(0.6 Mb)
Chlorophyll.pdfMERIS_031110-0655 (3.4 Mb)
MERIS_031114-0451 (3.4 Mb)
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